Auction: July 18, 2021
Lot #220: Lilly Dache "Dachelle" Perfume Bottle in Box and Crate
Crystal bottle "made in France" etched on bottom; gold edged label; having bright pink and gold pedestal dresser box and the original wooden shipping crate; bottle empty; together with Lucien Lalong "Jabot" and "Indiscrete" perfume bottle assortment including a 9.75-inch frosted molded design of hanging drapery with small bow-shaped stopper, "Made in France" molded on bottom; a 5.75-inch frosted molded design of hanging drapery with small bow-shaped stopper, perfume present, original sticker affixed to bottom; (2) sample "Jabot" bottles, some perfume still present; and a frosted molded design of draped fabric with a large bow stopper
Approximate Shipping Weight:
2 pounds